Debbie Sutton
Debbie Sutton BA hons (textiles and fashion)
After many years of teaching Art and Design Debbie made a career change into clinical psychotherapy running her own successful private practice. Her artistic background and joy of teaching became invaluable tools in educating and treating clients as part of their recovery.
Having retired she has a desire to develop her interest in printmaking, initially exploring Lino cut and collagraph techniques.
Debbie studied Woven Textiles at Loughborough College of Art and Design. Structure, colour, pattern and texture that are so important in the woven piece still inspire her and it is these elements that form the basis of her exploration.

Hiding, Collograph, 2019

Strawberry Moon Rising, Collograph and collage, 2020

Winter, Collograph and Collage, 2020

King of Birds, Linoprint, 2020

Enchanted Forest, Collograph and collage, 2020

Wayang, Linocut, 2020